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HCL Domino License Analysis Utility

This utility assists Domino Administrators in determining Authorised User Count within the HCL Domino environment.

The Authorised User Count is the measurement HCL uses to determine the license number for HCL Domino.

This is in effect today - and will affect your software renewals or new purchases!

Installing this tool can help your organisation avoid paying for licenses you don't use or avoiding penalties for excess user counts on your next software renewal.

This can result in significant savings!

It also gives you an opportunity to measure, assess and action any remedial work before your next software audit, renewal, renegotiation or expansion of your licensing.

ISW DLAU Ignition Offer

Take the stress away from license measurement!

ISW can help you install, configure and run the DLAU tool.

We can also assist you to present the DLAU results, and help you determine any next steps for any remedial action.

We can also help you with your next HCL software renewal or purchase.

Fixed Fee - $1799

  • Installation & Configuration

  • Walk-through of server & directory scanning

  • Presentation of results to you

  • Recommendations report for remedial actions

Extend Your Analytics!

Measure Your True Active Usage

use iDNA Applications analysis data to drill down into true active usage, and discover opportunities to off-board unused user identities, clean up your directories and realise real financial savings for renewals and software purchases in conjunction with the DLAU tool.

HCL Domino Licence Analysis Utility

Measuring your HCL Domino user count for renewals or new purchases