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Analyse your Domino Apps from every angle.
Credibly understand design and data to deliver your next modernisation project on time and on budget. Use real time accurate data to plan upgrades, migrations, application development and transition to cloud.
Provide Accurate ModerniSation and Migration Estimates.
Does your organisation run Domino applications? Are you running HCL Domino environment that is outdated or needs some strategic direction?
Our old friend “Lotus Notes” is not dead, in fact the Notes/Domino platform is being heavily invested in under HCLs’s ownership, and remains a powerhouse application platform that is secure, collaborative, low code, and web/mobile ready and can integrate with practically any system to run your business. However if you’re struggling to get a grip on your Domino application landscape, or you have a large legacy Domino data that needs to be moved to cloud, or transformed, ISW can help.
Using panagenda’s iDNA Applications tool, ISW can help you to analyse your Domino application environment with your priorities in hand, and help you understand how to plan your modernisation, transformation, move to cloud or migration to other technologies.
Instantly filter and categorise your Domino apps & Scope your project with accuracy & confidence.
Remove unused Domino apps from consideration & instantly identify quick wins for transformation.
Group custom Domino apps by similarity & save on development effort.
Get an accurate picture of your Domino environment.
Before your modernisation or migration project begins, instantly visualise an overall picture of your Domino environment. Interact with your analytics, gain insights, and make better decisions based on REAL data.
View real-time usage data in charts & filterable tables.
Drill down usage on individual apps, users, departments and locations.
Immediately identify unused applications for archiving.
Find other alternatives for rarely used applications.
Discover and group similar applications by design elements.
Save developer time by identifying code similarities.
Accurate Planning & prioritising for Your Complex Projects.
Understand the complexity of your Domino applications and the data stored within. Knowing the full picture enables more accurate project planning.
Optimise your project with unique Code Complexity Rating.
Identify any pitfalls from data security issues or large file attachments.
Identify remediation tasks for your Domino environment before development projects begin.
Improve project estimates to deliver on time and on budget.
Estimate Project Costs based on REAL Data.
Complex application transformation or migration projects come with wide-ranging cost estimates. Now you can use facts & metrics to model your project costs and submit quality business cases for project approvals.
Take advantage of accurate, fact-based design requirements.
Validate content storage requirements needed for target repository.
Understand application usage metrics separated by department.
Navigate Roadblocks preventing Project Success.
When you know in advance where your transformation obstacles are, you can navigate around them or build bridges to cross them without delays.
Identify and resolve project roadblocks from source code analysis.
Automatically identify data security issues prior to content migration.
Find complex back-end system integration requirements.
Identify proprietary Domino code routines that cannot be migrated using code insights.
let ISW Help You!
Get in touch and talk to us about your Domino application project!
ISW’s Head of Digital Solutions Jared Roberts shares experiences in working with large companies with (very!) large IT systems and how ISW has helped customers to use company knowledge, analysis tools and a little Domino expertise to answer that ever elusive question...
What on earth to do with ALL these apps?
click image to read
No matter where the road may lead, you will need a rock-solid foundation to base your decisions on.
iDNA’s product manager Franz Walder shares best practices that panagenda has developed to speed up customer journeys and reduce effort and risk in the process.
click image to read
iDNA featured video: Analysing Domino Application DATA using Content Analysis.
iDNA featured video: Using FACTS to keep it real!
View or download the brochure for more information on features, examples and other content as a PDF.
Exceptional solutions for Domino, Notes, Nomad & More
MarvelClient offers cutting-edge solutions to ease the stress of managing and upgrading HCL Notes and Nomad clients to empower a productive workforce.
Automated performance monitoring, alerting and reporting for your entire IT infrastructure. All you want to know, when you need to know it, and where you need to have it.
Accelerate and improve HCL Notes & Domino administration. Use mass-editing capabilities, exclusive edit functionality, and more to solve any problems you may find on a large scale.
ISW Capability
ISW partners with panagenda for many of our Monitoring & Analysis solutions. panagenda’s iDNA Applications solution is THE key analysis tool for your Domino applications environment.
ISW has a talented team of experienced & certified Domino consultants, analysts, administrators & developers who can help you with your next Domino project.
ISW managed services
ISW can design managed services solutions for panagenda iDNA to take the hassle away from your IT staff! Get in touch to find out how.