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Attack Surface Management
Know Where You're Exposed.
Get a FREE ATTACK SURFACE REVIEW that locates your external internet-facing assets including those exposed to nation-state attackers.
What is Attack Surface Management?
Attack surface management (ASM) is the continuous discovery, analysis, remediation and monitoring of the cybersecurity vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors that make up an organisation’s attack surface.
Unlike other cybersecurity disciplines, ASM is conducted entirely from a hacker’s perspective, rather than the perspective of the defender. It identifies targets and assesses risks based on the opportunities they present to a malicious attacker.
Randori is the leading Single Platform for Attack Surface Management (ASM) & Continuous Automated Red Teaming (CART). All companies with digital assets have an attack surface whether they know it or not and the risk of cyberterrorists targeting digital assets has significantly increased. Randori was founded by a former Carbon Black executive and a former red team consultant and aims to help organisations continuously identify external facing assets both on-premise and in the cloud that is visible to attackers. Randori’s CART technology enables security teams to stress test defences to bolster their cybersecurity capabilities and improve threat detection and response. A real-world hacker-led approach to ASM.
Randori is a hacker-led company, with software to help security teams discover gaps, assess risks, and improve their security posture over time by delivering an authentic attack experience at scale.
Designed to help security teams zero in on previously unknown exposure points, Randori's unique attack surface management solution takes into account the logic of an adversary based on real-world attacks - and is the only one to prioritise based on the level of risk as well as the attractiveness of an asset to potential attackers using their proprietary scoring system.
Randori’s black-box approach discovers, identifies, and maps your external attack surface. 100% cloud-based with no agents or appliances to install, Randori will immediately begin surfacing the targets, services, IPs, domains, networks, hostnames, and other artifacts attackers see when targeting your business.
All you need to start is an email.
Black Box Discovery : This approach identifies your exposed enterprise assets in a high fidelity and low impact manner and is designed for low false positives to keep your signal to noise ratio under control.
Continuous Asset Monitoring : Randori’s global network of dynamic cloud infrastructure continuously monitors and tracks asset changes and quickly alerts users when a critical issue is found.
Shadow IT Discovery : Rich integrations and policy driven rules engine make it easy to automate the discovery of Shadow IT.
Risk Based Vulnerability Prioritisation : Randori’s prioritisation engine combines the attacker’s perspective with business value, business impact, existing security controls, and remediation status to build a stack ranked list of your most risky targets.
Enterprise Integrations and Reporting : SIEM, SOAR, VM, asset management, and ticketing systems are critically important to effectively operationalizing ASM. Randori’s out of the box integrations enable fast time to value.
For a limited time, IBM is offering to review your organisation’s attack surface profile using Randori Recon at no charge. This is a great opportunity to see your attack surface like an attacker. There is no installation or configuration required and the scan is unobtrusive. Randori Recon takes about 5-8 days and is a slow and smart discovery crawl.
If you would like your attack surface reviewed simply submit the following.